Source code for biomajmanager.decorators

"""Global decorators for BioMAJ Manager"""
from biomajmanager.utils import Utils
from functools import wraps
__author__ = 'tuco'

[docs]def bank_required(func): """ Decorator function that checks a bank name is set :param func: Decorated function :type func: Function :return: Result of function called :rtype: func :raises SystemExit: If no bank set """ @wraps(func) def _check_bank_required(*args, **kwargs): """Small function to check a bank object is set in BioMAJ Manager instance""" self = args[0] if is None: Utils.error("A bank name is required") return func(*args, **kwargs) return _check_bank_required
[docs]def deprecated(func): """ This is a decorator which can be used to mark functions as deprecated. It will result in a warning being emitted when the functionis used. :param func: Decorated function :type func: Function :return: Result of functio called :rtype: func """ @wraps(func) def _dep_func(): Utils.error("Call to deprecated function '{}'. Not executed.".format(func.__name__)) _dep_func.__name__ = func.__name__ _dep_func.__doc__ = func.__doc__ _dep_func.__dict__.update(func.__dict__) return _dep_func
[docs]def user_granted(func): """ Decorator function that checks a user has enough right to perform action :param func: Decorated function :type func: Function :return: Result of function called :rtype: func :raises SystemExit: If no owner found either in bank nor in config file """ @wraps(func) def _check_user_granted(*args, **kwargs): """ Check the user has enough right to perform action(s). If a bank is set, we first set the user as the owner of the current bank. Otherwise we try to find it from the config file, we search for 'admin' property :return: Boolean """ self = args[0] admin = self.config.get('GENERAL', 'admin') if props = if 'owner' in props and props['owner']: admin = props['owner'] if not admin: Utils.error("Could not find admin user either in config nor in bank") user = self.get_current_user() if admin != user: Utils.error("[%s] User %s, permission denied" % (admin, user)) return func(*args, **kwargs) return _check_user_granted