Source code for biomajmanager.utils

"""Utilities class for BioMAJ Manager"""
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
from time import time
from datetime import datetime

[docs]class Utils(object): """Utility class""" timer_start = timer_stop = 0.0 show_warn = True show_debug = True show_verbose = True # Default date format string DATE_FMT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" @staticmethod @staticmethod
[docs] def elapsed_time(): """ Get the elapsed time between start and stop timer. Stop timer call is not required. If not set, it is automatically called as soon as the method is called :return: Elapsed time :rtype: float :raises SystemExit: If Utils.timer_start is not defined """ if Utils.timer_start: if not Utils.timer_stop: Utils.stop_timer() etime = Utils.timer_stop - Utils.timer_start Utils.reset_timer() return etime Utils.error("Missing timer value (start/stop)")
[docs] def error(msg): """ Prints error message on STDERR and exits with exit code 1 :param msg: Message to print :type msg: str :return: Error message :rtype: str :raises SystemExit: """ Utils._print("[ERROR] %s" % str(msg), to=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1)
@staticmethod @staticmethod
[docs] def get_files(path=None): """ Return the list of file(s) found for a given path :param path: Path to search from :type path: str :return: List of file(s) found :rtype: list :raises SystemExit: If path does not exist """ if not path or not os.path.isdir(path): Utils.error("Path not found: %s" % str(path)) return os.listdir(path)
[docs] def get_deepest_dirs(path=None, full=False, limit=0): """ Get the last directories from a path :param path: Path to start from :type path: str :param full: Get the full path otherwise the directory only :type full: bool :param limit: Limit deepest search to `limit` depth, default 0, no limit :type limit: int :return: List of directories :rtype: list :raises SystemExit: If 'path' not given or does not exist """ if path is None: Utils.error("Path is required") if not os.path.exists(path) and not os.path.isdir(path): Utils.error("%s does not exists" % str(path)) dirs = [] loop = 0 for dir_path, dir_names, _ in os.walk(path): if limit and limit == loop: if full: dirs.append(dir_path) else: dirs.append(os.path.basename(dir_path)) break if len(dir_names) == 0: if full: dirs.append(dir_path) else: dirs.append(os.path.basename(dir_path)) loop += 1 return dirs
[docs] def get_deepest_dir(path=None, full=False, limit=0): """ Return only one deepest dir from the path :param path: Path :type path: str :param full: Returns complete path or not :type full: bool :param limit: Limit deepest search to `limit` depth, default 0, no limit :type limit: int :return: Directory name :rtype: str """ dirs = Utils.get_deepest_dirs(path, full=full, limit=limit) if len(dirs) > 1: Utils.warn("More than one deepest dir found at %s: Only first returned" % str(path)) return dirs[0]
[docs] def get_now(): """ Get current time from :class:`time.time` formatted using :py:const:`Utils.DATE_FMT` :returns: Current time formatted using :class:`Utils.DATE_FMT` :rtype: :class:`time.time` """ return Utils.time2datefmt(time())
[docs] def get_subtree(path=None, limit=0): """ Get the subtree structure from a root path E.g.: File system is /t/a1/a2/a3, get_subtree(path='/t') -> /a1/a2/a3 :param path: Root path to get subtree structure from :type path: str :param limit: Limit deepest search to `limit` depth, default 0, no limit :type limit: int :return: List of found subtree :rtype: list """ subtrees = [] if path is None: Utils.warn("No root path directory given") return subtrees loop = 0 for dir_path, dir_name, file_name in os.walk(path): if limit and limit == loop: subtree = dir_path.split(path)[-1] subtree = subtree.lstrip('/') subtrees.append(subtree) break if len(dir_name) == 0: subtree = dir_path.split(path)[-1] subtree = subtree.lstrip('/') subtrees.append(subtree) loop += 1 return subtrees
[docs] def ok(msg): """ Prints a [OK] msg :param msg: Message to print :type msg: str :return: Message to print :rtype: str """ if msg: Utils._print("[OK] %s" % str(msg))
[docs] def reset_timer(): """Reset to *0.0* :py:func:`timer_start` and :py:func:`timer_stop` for a new :py:func:`elapsed_time()` count""" Utils.timer_start = 0.0 Utils.timer_stop = 0.0
[docs] def _print(msg, to=sys.stdout): """ Redefined print function to support python 2 and 3 :param msg: Message to print :type msg: str :param to: File handle :type to: file :return: Message to print :rtype: str """ if not msg: return msg = str(msg).rstrip("\n") print(msg, file=to) return
[docs] def start_timer(): """Set current time at function call""" Utils.timer_start = time()
[docs] def stop_timer(): """Set current time at function call""" Utils.timer_stop = time()
[docs] def time2date(otime): """ Convert a timestamp into a datetime object :param otime: Timestamp to convert :type otime: time :return: Formatted time to date :rtype: :class:`datetime.datetime` """ return datetime.fromtimestamp(otime)
[docs] def time2datefmt(otime, fmt=DATE_FMT): """ Converts a timestamp into a date following the format fmt, default to Utils.DATE_FMT :param otime: Timestamp to convert :type otime: time :param fmt: Date format to follow for conversion :type fmt: str :return: Formatted time to date :rtype: :class:`datetime.datetime` """ return datetime.fromtimestamp(otime).strftime(fmt)
[docs] def user(): """ Returns the current user running or using the script. Taken from pwd and os :return: User name :rtype: str """ if 'USER' in os.environ: return os.getenv('USER') if 'LOGNAME' in os.environ: return os.getenv('LOGNAME') Utils.error("Can't find user name in USER nor LOGNAME")
[docs] def verbose(msg): """ Prints verbose message. Requires Manager.verbose to be True :param msg: Verbose message to print :type msg: str :return: Verbose message :rtype: str """ from .manager import Manager if Manager.verbose and Utils.show_verbose: Utils._print('[VERBOSE] %s' % str(msg))
[docs] def warn(msg): """ Prints warning message. Required Utils.show_warn to be set to True :param msg: Warning message to print :type msg: str :return: Warning message :rtype: str """ if Utils.show_warn: Utils._print('[WARNING] %s' % str(msg), to=sys.stderr)